Our members are Khairunnisa Ismail, Farah Syuhada, Safuhah, Mohd Fazree Zulhilmi, Wan Mohd Aimi and Mohd Shahdan.
The question given is: What the employer should do to create stress-free environment? Discuss?
Our answers are....jeng...jeng...jeng...
A good and condusive working environment is very vital for the employees, employers and the whole organization in order to perform well and enhance their work performance to achieve organization's goals.
In order to achieve the goals, there are several conditions to be considered. One of the most condition that should be consider is the employer roles and responsibilities towards the employees to avoid and prevent stress from occur in the workplace. For that, the employers should take appropriate methods or actions to create stress-free environment.
The first criteria that should be concerned is in term of workload. The employer should be divide the workload carefully to the employees by following their functions and level of responsibilities in the organization. For many employees, they feel that having too much work to do and not have enough time to complete the work can be stressful.
Let's move to the second criteria to be consider by the employer that is in term of job condition. The employer must ensure that office temperature is suitable that means not too hot or too cold for the employees, suitable lightning, appropriate and comfortable office layout for employees easy to move, prohibit loud noise, well-equipped of office facilities and technology advancement such as computers, telephones, internet connection and so on.

The third criteria is about career development. This criteria also must be put in priority to avoid stress from happen. The employer has to concerned about job security of the employees due to the reorganizing or down-sizing. In term of promotion, transfer and development opportunities, the employer should follow the organization policy and guidelines based on the qualifications, experiences and suitable reasons given by the employees. The employer cannot simply do it based on favouritism, nepotism or without follow the guidelines. If it happens, there will exist a sense of unsatisfied, unfair and disagreement to others employees.
The fourth criteria is interpersonal relations. It means the relationship between employers and employees and relationship between employees and their collegues. It is said that when relationship among each others is poor, then it can be stressful. So, it is important to the employer to be nice, polite, friendly and fair to the employees without care about their age, religion, races, status and etc. It will create a stress-free environment.

In a nutshell, if the employer fulfil all the criterias as stated above, it will lead to a stress-free environment in the working place. Employees will be more high-spirit, relaxed, inspired and enjoy doing their works.
That's all from us. Hope that our entry will get good feedbacks or comments from other groups.
Thank you very much.
hello guys...
Nice explanation, very understandable. We totally agreed with all of your point.
But actually, it is not necessary for the employer to ensure this stress free environment in workplace. because, the employer/ manager they have more important work to do, if they have provide all the necesary things in order to ensure this stress free environment but the stress still occured. then, that is not their concern. Actually, in order to ensure the stress free environment is, the attitude of that individual itself, as an employee they need to control their own stress, because stress can happen in anywhere, as long as they can control it, then it would be fine.
that's is our opinion, we didn't said that you are wrong, it just our opinion. tq
hey you all!
that is a really good answer you guys had given.
we totally agree with you guys. it is true by minimizing the employees workload and improving the condition of the environment will enlighten the employees stress. the employers may also put some light or soft music on for the employees relaxation.
congrats you guys!
(heroes of the earth)
your answer is nice and easy to understand but here we have a question about this topic.hope you accept it.
our question is about workplace aggression.it is about disturbing source of stress and this is include bullying, sexual harassment and workplace violence.
as you know, most of this sources of stress is come from their employer..how the employee want to continue their work if everyday they have to face with this kind of problem???
Hello the sixthSense group..
thanks for sweet comment and good question. WE're love it!! Herm,, about the question, our answer is the employees who faced the problem of sexual harassment, bullying or others negative behaviour done by their employers should face to face and discuss in an appropriate way with the employer and request explanations from the employers why they're behaved in such way.
Guys, if this method still not succeed, the victim can try to get advices from her/his closed-colleagues what the best solution from their view to solve the matters.
Ermm,,,if this way also did not work, the victim can report to his/her representative, trade union as a mediator to settle this problems.Remember, in our Industrial Relations subject, in Employment Act 1955, it stated that employees have their right to protect themselves from employer's bad behaviour.....
That's all for now..
We hope that ur group will satisfy with our simple answers.
thanks for the information guys..
all of ur points are accepted.
but here we want to give an opinion.
what if the employer give vacation scheme to their empolyee.
vacation is important to reduce the stress of employee.
and hope,after the employee come back from the vacation,they will become more energetic to continue their work.
thats all.
from jemy FULLSTOP -amd5pc
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